This morning I started getting ready for next year. We have three display beds that are 8' X 40' between the greenhouse and the front side yard. It is to these three display beds that selected seedlings are transplanted and grown for evaluation until they are either selected for introduction or composting. Normally this happens within 3 to 4 years.
This images shows the three display beds and the one I am working on at present is what I cal B2, which naturally is the second or middle bed. These beds are about 17 years old and during those years, have had mushroom compost, topsoil, nature's helper, etc. added so they have been amended substantially. The middle bed has just been tilled.
This closeup image shows just how pliable the soil is. Looking toward the front of the house and the street, you can see part of Jean's perennial border at the end of the bed. Visitors come to look at the daylilies and end up ooohing and aaahing over Jean's perennial beds. She does a great job with them.
A left click on the image will make it larger and you will be able to see the lined out selected seedlings. These were seedlings that bloomed in 9 months in the greenhouse this spring in trade one gallon pots. I lay out a row with a string and I have a 100' tape that I lay down so that I can plant the seedlings every 2'. A hole is dug, and a little composted cow manure is added and mixed in. The plant is removed from the pot and planted in the hole. Some Nutricote 18-6-8 180 w/ minors is added along with some Milorganite. When the bed is completely planted, I will broadcast some Dolomite Lime for PH and Snapshot for weed control. On top of all of that, I will mulch with some pine bark to help hold moisture and for more weed control.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. Please leave me a comment below so I will know that I am not just doing this for myself.
Life is very, very good.
Visiting Texas and Mississippi
6 years ago