Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Remember, a left click on an image will give you an enlargement.
As we enter a new year, Jean and I wish you all very Happy New Year. It has been about one month since I posted images of the seedlings growing in the greenhouse. Remember, these are planted in trade 1-gallon pots. As you can see, the seedlings have grown considerably since my last post. I believe we are on our way to at least 50% bloom in the greenhouse around April/May. There are some crosses that are not as vigorous growers as others and this really shows up in the greenhouse. Most are double the size of those lagging behind. I will put the images on in the same sequence so you can compare them to the earlier blog and the growth in a month.

This is the bench right of the door along the right side of the greenhouse. These seedlings are now about 5 months old. The tallest foliage is approximately 18" to 24" high.

This is the bench on the left side of the greenhouse. You can tell the difference in size between this one and the one above. The plants on this bench were planted about a month later than the ones on the right bench.

This is the left center bench taken from the rear of the greenhouse. Again, these seedlings were planted about 1 month later than the seedlings on the right bench.

This is the right center bench taken from the front of the greenhouse. This bench contains about 150 cultivars in 3-gallon pots that I will use for hybridizing. At the far end on the left are seedlings that I will be using for hybridizing. As you can see, I could probably add about 16 more pots to fill the bench.

This is the same bench, only taken from the back of the greenhouse. On the right, you can see the two rows of seedlings that I intend to use in hybridizing. These seedlings were probably taken in about three weeks ago. On the left, you can see 3 rows of pots that contain my introductions for 2012 to be used in hybridizing.

As always, we thank you for visiting our blog. Please leave a comment or question below.

Life is very, very good.



  1. Lee you have quite an operation there! I don't know how you and Jean had all the energy to get all that done! Would love to see it some day..
    Nancy Olson

  2. Hi Nancy,

    A lot of it is Jean's energy, she has more than me. The operation keeps getting smaller every year. Come on bye.

